Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Clara Meets Grandpa Keith

We had a fun visit from Grandma Roonie and Grandpa Keith.
Clara has met Keith before but likely doesn't remember anything because she was a baby.
She wasn't too shy. Walked right in and gave him a box of Black Crow Candy that we had for him, though she was a little offended because she sort of wanted to keep it! Keith won her back over, however, with some little clapping and leg-slapping game he played with her.

Grace and Emma were really excited to see them too. They didn't really tone things down too much for them but luckily played outside a bunch so we actually had a very peaceful dinner on Monday. Grandma brought them an plastic Easter eggs with chick that popped up and said "I'm HIDing!, giggle giggle" They thought they were fun and Grandma laughed because she imagined how much fun we were going to have at home with all 3 of them making noise!

It's always a so fun to have a visit with our Grandparents. It's just too quiet when they leave.
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