Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Grace's 1st Grade Program

Grace had her first grade program.
Being a bit reserved like me, Grace wasn't sure she wanted to stand out by dressing up like a lady bug or butterfly and elected instead to be a picnicker. She just had to sit up during one song and pretend to eat fake fruit.
She did say after watching the cute lady bug dance, that she wished she had done it too!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Such Fun Times!

(How could you not smile at the Cheesecake Factory!)

After a snowy Minnesota winter of blowing
with longing for sisters and parents a growing,
A kind husband said "Go!" with an encouraging sound
and smiled while he gathered 4 children around.

Then, much to our absolute surprise and delight
Annie made a quick decision to take the next flight.
She came, swooping down with an agenda in mind
Laura picked her right up because she's so kind.

Every day she was here was planned out to the max
with eating, visits, and cleaning no time to relax.
First, a little chat at Lydia's place was so fun
until work time came up and she had to run.

Next, the nieces were all in a dither
to suddenly find Aunt Annie'd had really come hither.
They flocked to her lap to hear a "My Little Pony" book
and grabbed up the presents from her bag that she took.

The play house out back was a quite luxury suite
Annie, Laura, Lydia and Tux kept it so neat.
They snoozed and they snored and made not a peep
As they tossed on the air mattresses, getting some sleep.

We pressed forward at Dad's house attacking a room
going through great stuff and cleaning things too.
We paused for some fried lunch from the Greenleaf store
because our stomaches were empty and our muscles so sore.

One day after Annie and Lydia had some good runs

we traveled to Costa Vida and ate Mexican food, tons!

Costco was the next destination for us

with kids in our basket it felt like a bus.

The Cheesecake Factory was where we were found

for Saturday's lunch, our final fun round.

Eating our favorites gave strength to us all

to help Lydia work, and us to shop at the mall.

After pizza dinner with Dad

and goodbyes oh so sad

Dad drove Annie to the airport

to fly home and report.

Poor Scott can't help but wonder why

that when so kindly he let her just take off and fly

she comes home so wound up and wired
and really rather quite awfully tired.

Of course we all know it's because of the love

Annie has so she goes beyond and above

to show her care and concern from all year

that she saves up to spend on us when she gets to come here!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday Afternoon Visit

We had a fun little Sunday afternoon visit from:Auntie Laura and Miss Sydney
(plus a tiny, 2 month old, darling baby girl that Laura was watching for a friend).We ate tacos,
left the dishes,
went outside,

and relaxed

in the warm Sunday afternoon sun.

Frog Weather Has Arrived!

Emma, my little amphibian hunter, celebrated the beginning of summer
by finding the first baby frog of the season.

Look out all you little creeping, crawling things. Emma's looking forward to a great summer with you!

List of great finds so far:

  • Rolly Polly's
  • Worms
  • Centipedes ( which produced voluminous warning screams as Clara was about to step on it and Emma was sure she was going to be badly bitten)
  • Stink bugs
  • A strange, blue, so tiny we could hardly see it, terrible smelling, snail sticking out of it's shell. (weird)
  • Mr. Baby Frog

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


As a little girl I used to just love the song "yesterday" . The emotion of missing something wonderful from your past was intriguing. When I was about 6, I would sit on the living room floor of our little stone house and listen to my mom's 55 mm record of "Yesterday" on my kids record player. My little inexperienced heart felt something of what they were singing about, the longing for something lost. I think I already missed being littler than I was. I knew that was a one time shot, that being a baby with no worries, only joy.
Our sweet Grandma Clark has been talking to me lately. She has trouble remembering who everyone is what we're doing from minute to minute. Once in awhile, she asks who my Dad (her son) is. He is the one who takes care of her everyday. Mostly she is happy. "What can you expect at 91?" she'll say looking for wood to knock on as she makes a funny face about it. She told me in a thoughtful, slightly embarrassed sort of voice that she enjoys watching TV and would like to live a little longer.
I took Clara in the bedroom and put this little white sweater on her. I'm pretty sure Grandma Clark made this for Annie when she was a baby, 30 years ago. I wanted to see if Grandma remembered it.
I told her I thought she made it and asked if she remembered it.

"Oh yes", she said in her quiety sort of remembering voice.

She continued, almost in a whisper, "I remember saying, 'oh, I must get that done'."

Don't you just love love the English Grandma expression in the picture where Clara is trying to do a hand stand. I'm afraid Clara worries her with her wild tricks.

It's wonderful that Grandma's:

1) watch you doing your tricks

2) care so sweetly that you may hurt yourself.

Happy Birthday Lydia!

We had a yummy eating experience for Lydia's birthday!
We were lucky enough to have the use of this lovely and talented photographer. Miss Sydney. She was not shy and helped to keep the conversation light. A lovely shot of the beautiful Birthday Girl Lydia! Laura, sister of the Birthday Girl, mother of the photographer!
Sydney's view of the delicious food. (Milk for me thank you..)

Sydney actually spotted this very armadillo dancing a line dance which produced a giggle.

Father of the Birthday Girl, sponsor and grandfather of the blooming Photographer.

Strange older sister of the Birthday Girl, Aunt of the said photographer.
Birthday party members, photographed outside the eating establishment, fat, sassy, and happy.

Payment being made for the photography session. (Hugs are the best payment, yes?)
Waves of Audieu.
And the Cute Birthday Girl is off for a nap and then a date, i suspect...
Hope you had a nice birthday Lydia. We love you so much. Our family wouldn't be the same without you. I hope you know how much Mom has always loved you too!
Thanks so much Annie and Scott for Sponsoring this fun event. It was very sweet of you and we're all grateful!
Love you Lydia.
Should we all go to Hawaii for the next one?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My New Life

Want to watch an amazing video about one of my favorite people? This is it!