Brittani was so happy to reach a "10"
She worked her way to about an 8 and then got an epidural and was really rather relieved. I was so impressed with how strong Brittani was. She did an absolutely amazing job.
Brian had to be the cutest person I've ever seen in a delivery room. He was very pleasant and happy, sympathetic, and patient. I was so grateful.
Brittani's Mom, Tonya was very sweet also. I loved how happy and energetic she is and how she always includes me so completely, even though I am, in fact, the wicked stepmom! ;) I also loved how she grabbed my hand and held it all the way out the waiting room where we emerged to tell everyone the great news!
I love that moment of birth!
A brand new person who wasn't really there 5 minutes ago, now here, ready to make us love them, so much.
A new baby,
so vunerable, and so, so strong. So them.
My very, very favorite is...
the beautiful, knowing look that comes into the baby's dark, newborn eyes when it hears it's mother's voice and locks eyes with it's her, for the very first time.
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