Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Kindergarten Girl!

Grace had her first day of school last week! She was thrilled and insisted on walking to the bus and walking home from the bus after school while I drove down the street with Emma and Clara. She has a great teacher who sings and has taught for 25 years and still enjoys it. She is in a class with about 15 girls and 5 boys which says says is "just fine with her". (She's not always sure what to do with rowdy boys!) Her good friend Addi is in her class so that helps too. Emma is content to watch Grace go off to school and then says "I want to go to Costco" as soon as Grace is gone. I guess she thinks while the cat is away the mice will play, eh? Kindergarten

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1 comment:

Amy E. said...

J-K-C-C...your daughters are beautiful!!! I need to come up and visit you soon before they are all grown up and I don't recognize them anymore.