Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Lydia!

We had a yummy eating experience for Lydia's birthday!
We were lucky enough to have the use of this lovely and talented photographer. Miss Sydney. She was not shy and helped to keep the conversation light. A lovely shot of the beautiful Birthday Girl Lydia! Laura, sister of the Birthday Girl, mother of the photographer!
Sydney's view of the delicious food. (Milk for me thank you..)

Sydney actually spotted this very armadillo dancing a line dance which produced a giggle.

Father of the Birthday Girl, sponsor and grandfather of the blooming Photographer.

Strange older sister of the Birthday Girl, Aunt of the said photographer.
Birthday party members, photographed outside the eating establishment, fat, sassy, and happy.

Payment being made for the photography session. (Hugs are the best payment, yes?)
Waves of Audieu.
And the Cute Birthday Girl is off for a nap and then a date, i suspect...
Hope you had a nice birthday Lydia. We love you so much. Our family wouldn't be the same without you. I hope you know how much Mom has always loved you too!
Thanks so much Annie and Scott for Sponsoring this fun event. It was very sweet of you and we're all grateful!
Love you Lydia.
Should we all go to Hawaii for the next one?

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