Sunday, May 17, 2009

Project Stalled!

We hit a big snag in the project!
but not before we accoplished this!
Four walls, four holes for widows, one door hole!

The snag happens to be a garden.
John informed me about a month ago that this would be "the " weekend for planting a garden. So, we've been weeding, rototilling, raking, digging, rototilling, tractoring, ..... not nailing or anything like that for about a week. But that's ok because after month or 2 or 3 of digging, weeding and watering, we'll have some tasty, lovely, homegrown tomatoes,some delicious strawberries, raspberries for the picking, peppers for the pickling (for Sunday tacos), squash for frying, watermelon for dripping, cucumbers for popping into salads, and cantaloupes for chomping! Grapes and Apples too with any luck.
I feel like I live in the Garden of Eden!
Yes, I am aware of the fact that "this" is NOT A STEP.
I explained that thoroughly to Emma right after I took a few pictures of her. We found her right here acting just as if she were merely standing on a curb looking down the street. She was looking for her hoola hoop which she had carefully thrown up onto the roof of the house! No fear of heights here!
Next week we'll get back to
and watching
our little plants

1 comment:

Bald n Beautiful said...

WOW, I am covetting a little. Okay a lot. (is that how you spell that?) Can we switch houses when you are done? PS. I love how uplifting your posts have been. Keep them coming.